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New York Driver License Suspension Lawyer | RevocationFacing a possible license suspension or license revocation? Call a New York driver license suspension lawyer at Feifer Greenberg, LLC today at (888) 842-5384.
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NY Aggravated Unlicensed Operation | Traffic Law § 511A NY Aggravated unlicensed operation (AUO) is more serious than “unlicensed operation”. You can be charged when driving with a suspended or revoked license,
NYC Traffic Ticket Lawyer | NY Speeding TicketsAn NYC traffic ticket lawyer can fight all traffic and speeding tickets, including traffic law matters across NY. Call for a free case eval 917-456-9564.
About UsAbout Us New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers | Feifer Greenberg » About Us WHAT WE DO Feifer Greenberg can help with any traffic ticket or traffic law related matter anywhere in New York State. In most cases we charge si
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